Welcome to Chromepet's best after school art classes for children and regular classes for anyone interested to learn drawing and painting!

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and walk into our next weekend art classes session.

16 days  "Star kids" programme:      A carefully designed curriculum for personality development The program fosters positivi...

Cognitive skill development programme

Cognitive skill development programme

Cognitive skill development programme

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16 days "Star kids" programme:

     A carefully designed curriculum for personality development The program fosters positivity and self-confidence; develops inner resilience and independence in the face of change; increases efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks both at home and at school and, last but not the least, awakens the leader within.

    The program is set in a highly conducive learning environment with interactive sessions comprising games, activities, stories, videos and music, silent reflection and hands-on exercises. Students are assigned missions to accomplish after each session to complete the cycle of ‘experience, apply, reflect, transform’.

    Programme is designed for 32 hours spread across 16 sessions. Each session is 2 hours. The program is typically completed over 4 months.

High Self-esteem2 days (4 hrs)
Responsibility2 days (4 hrs)
Co-operation & Co-ordination2 days (4 hrs)
Confident public speaking2 days (4 hrs)
Effective presentations2 days (4 hrs)
Conflict resolution2 days (4 hrs)
Decision making2 days (4 hrs)
Time Management2 days (4 hrs)

Fee Structure :

Admission fee  : Rs. 500.00/-
CourseCoverageMaterials providedDurationCourse Fee
Cognitive skill development programme
  • Course Material
  • Audio / Visual materials
  • Materials required for skill based activities
(as required)
Monthly 2 classes for 2 months 3000.00